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by Rachel Argot, on 4/15/22 9:00 AM

In a previous blog, we discussed how the new generation of workers are responding to rewards and systems that encourage engagement. Prioritizing intrinsic over extrinsic rewards shifts engagement practices from …

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Topics:Employee EngagementEmployee RewardsMillennialsEmployee Recognition Platform

by Rachel Reed, on 11/19/20 11:13 AM

The concept of “perennials,” first articulated by Gina Pell captures the importance of understanding people on a more meaningful level beyond broad demographic categories like age. People of all ages …

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Topics:MillennialsEmployee ExperienceEmployee Alignment

by Rachel Reed, on 1/17/20 11:41 AM

Where do Millennials and Gen Zs stand with their trust, faith, and enthusiasm in the world lately? Deloitte conducted its 2019 Global Millennial survey to find out. Deloitte’s 2019 survey …

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Topics:MillennialsGenerationsGen Z

by Andrew Mitchell, on 4/4/19 12:43 PM

Ruth Efunnuga, Margaret Bruce and Andrew Mitchell Rewardian in partnership with London South Bank University Abstract Employee satisfaction is central to value driven and people focused businesses. Staff motivation and …

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by Caitlyn Pittman, on 9/18/18 10:15 AM

Integrating people from different generations into one cohesive workplace is not an easy task. In one office space, there will be people in their 50s, 30s, and early 20s trying …

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Topics:MillennialsEmployee AlignmentGen Z

by Caitlyn Pittman, on 5/25/18 11:59 AM

For the past few years, a big buzzword for society has been millennials. This generation stemmed many questions when it came to the workforce: How are we going to accommodate …

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Topics:MillennialsEmployee AlignmentGen Z

by Jessica Kurtzman, on 2/16/18 2:30 PM

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, are helping propel companies to be able to find top talent, faster. This does not necessarily mean that AI is a substitute for a human in …

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Topics:CultureEmployee RecognitionMillennialsEmployee ExperienceWorkplace Trends

by Jessica Kurtzman, on 2/9/18 2:03 PM

If your office considering changing to an open office, you may have to make some changes in the way you are able to focus. Studies have found that changing the …

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Topics:CultureMillennialsWorkplace Trends

by Rachel Reed, on 8/23/17 10:50 AM

New-age perks like the omnipresent beer fridge, ping pong tables, and flexible hours of tech startups have begun to bleed into the workplaces of seasoned, traditional corporations as a result …

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Topics:CultureEmployee RecognitionMillennials

by Caitlyn Pittman, on 4/13/17 12:39 PM

By 2020, half of the workforce is projected to be comprised of millennials, and by 2025 that projection jumps to 75%. The time has come to start considering this generation’s …

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Topics:CultureEmployee EngagementMillennials

About Rewardian

We believe in a workplace where your employees aren’t simply motivated, but inspired. When attitudes are positive, a culture works––for everyone.


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