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by Rachel Reed, on 3/25/20 5:03 PM

Digital employee experience (DEX) has been on the rise for some time as the percentage of remote workers has steadily increased by 44% since 2014. What is digital employee experience? …

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Topics:Employee EngagementEmployee ExperienceOrganizational Design

by Rachel Reed, on 3/19/20 1:08 PM

Leaders are simplifying processes to get to a baseline level of output as many workers operate remotely. You'd think recognition and rewards fall into non-essential business services when in fact …

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Topics:CultureEmployee EngagementEmployee Recognition Platform

by Rachel Reed, on 3/12/20 10:49 AM

According to a 2019 workplace study, tech employees top the list of happiest workers over other industries. The survey revealed that 90% of workers are very or somewhat satisfied with …

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by Rachel Reed, on 3/4/20 5:03 PM

Employee appreciation is arguably more important in 2020 as unemployment numbers in the United States are still at an all-time low, giving employees much more flexibility to jump ship when …

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Topics:Employee AppreciationEmployee RewardsWorkplace Culture

About Rewardian

We believe in a workplace where your employees aren’t simply motivated, but inspired. When attitudes are positive, a culture works––for everyone.


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