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Employee Recognition Platform

by Luke Kreitner, on 7/18/24 9:30 AM

With new technology and advancements available to us every day, there really isn't a reason why your company shouldn't be using it to foster a well-rounded and connected workplace. Using …

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Topics:Employee AppreciationEmployee EngagementEmployee Recognition Platform

by Luke Kreitner, on 7/2/24 11:30 AM

Ensuring your company effectively rewards employees is crucial for fostering a motivated and engaged workplace. It’s important that companies put thought into their recognition program to personalize it as much …

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Topics:Employee RewardsEmployee WellnessEmployee Recognition Platform

by Luke Kreitner, on 6/18/24 11:00 AM

Employee morale affects more aspects of your company than you might realize. With low morale comes high turnover rates, low productivity, and an overall negative workplace culture. It is important …

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Topics:Employee EngagementEmployee WellnessEmployee Recognition Platform

by Luke Kreitner, on 6/6/24 10:43 AM

Clearly establishing the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for your employee recognition program ensures alignment with your overall business goals. It’s critical to understand the business outcomes you’re trying to achieve …

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Topics:Employee RecognitionEmployee ExperienceEmployee Recognition Platform

by Luke Kreitner, on 5/29/24 10:30 AM

Disengagement isn’t just a lazy day every few months that can be fixed with a fresh start on Monday. Employee Disengagement is a significant issue that can affect even the …

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Topics:Employee EngagementEmployee Recognition PlatformEmployee Retention

by Luke Kreitner, on 5/21/24 1:30 PM

After creating and launching your employee recognition program, you want to see it succeed and positively impact your company. This is where tracking and measuring ROI comes into play. There …

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Topics:Employee AppreciationEmployee EngagementEmployee Recognition Platform

by Luke Kreitner, on 5/15/24 11:30 AM

Learning new strategies to stand out among your competitors is key to attracting and retaining top-tier employees. A great start is to have a strong EVP (Employee Value Proposition) that …

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Topics:Employee BenefitsEmployee Recognition Platform

by Luke Kreitner, on 4/30/24 2:30 PM

Employee recognition isn’t just a trend that is going to fade out in a few months. It is a powerful business strategy that can transform your organization’s culture and performance …

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Topics:Employee AppreciationEmployee RewardsEmployee Recognition Platform

by Luke Kreitner, on 11/7/23 9:00 AM

Implementing effective recognition programs in healthcare can be challenging, but it is definitely achievable. By carefully planning, selecting the right solution, and obtaining buy-in from various departments in your organization, …

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Topics:Employee RecognitionEmployee Recognition PlatformHealthcare

by Luke Kreitner, on 10/31/23 7:00 AM

Implementing employee recognition in healthcare can be challenging, given the unique needs of the sector. Many existing recognition programs do not cater to these specific requirements, making it difficult for …

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Topics:Employee RecognitionEmployee Recognition PlatformHealthcare

About Rewardian

We believe in a workplace where your employees aren’t simply motivated, but inspired. When attitudes are positive, a culture works––for everyone.


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