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by Rachel Reed, on 10/31/18 2:58 PM

Gallup estimates the cost of poor management and lost productivity from employees in the U.S. who are not engaged or who are actively disengaged to be between $960 billion and …

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Topics:Employee EngagementEmployee ExperienceOrganizational Design

by Rachel Reed, on 10/24/18 5:07 PM

New-age perks like the omnipresent beer fridge, ping pong tables, and flexible hours of tech startups have begun to bleed into the workplaces of seasoned, traditional corporations as a result …

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Topics:Employee AppreciationEmployee EngagementPerformance

by Rachel Reed, on 10/10/18 1:45 PM

Recognition boosts employee engagement. Employee engagement drives productivity, increases revenue, reduces absenteeism, and lowers turnover. While building an established employee recognition program bolstered by company values can be the most …

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Topics:Employee Recognition

by Rachel Reed, on 10/3/18 10:53 AM

The world has gone digital, and it’s here to stay. For businesses still operating under traditional business models, the era of digital disruption is permeating every aspect of business, including …

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Topics:Employee EngagementEmployee Alignment

About Rewardian

We believe in a workplace where your employees aren’t simply motivated, but inspired. When attitudes are positive, a culture works––for everyone.


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