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by Luke Kreitner, on 7/11/24 11:00 AM

In the past few years, remote work has become a significant part of many companies' work environments. While this shift offers employees flexibility and convenience, it also challenges maintaining team …

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Topics:Employee RewardsEmployee ExperienceRemote Work

by Luke Kreitner, on 7/2/24 11:30 AM

Ensuring your company effectively rewards employees is crucial for fostering a motivated and engaged workplace. It’s important that companies put thought into their recognition program to personalize it as much …

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Topics:Employee RewardsEmployee WellnessEmployee Recognition Platform

by Luke Kreitner, on 4/30/24 2:30 PM

Employee recognition isn’t just a trend that is going to fade out in a few months. It is a powerful business strategy that can transform your organization’s culture and performance …

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Topics:Employee AppreciationEmployee RewardsEmployee Recognition Platform

by Luke Kreitner, on 2/20/24 11:30 AM

Having happy employees is key to having a successful business. If your employees are just going through the motions and aren’t excited about the work they are doing that will …

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Topics:Employee AppreciationEmployee RewardsSales Incentives

by Luke Kreitner, on 1/30/24 9:00 AM

A well-designed incentive compensation plan can serve as a powerful motivator and catalyst for success across pharma sales teams. To ensure the effectiveness of the incentive plan, it is important …

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Topics:Employee RewardsPharmaceuticalsSales Incentives

by Luke Kreitner, on 12/15/23 8:00 AM

In today's evolving workforce landscape, understanding how to effectively reward and recognize Gen Z and Millennials is paramount for organizations. Gen Z represents the most diverse generation yet, with individuals …

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Topics:Employee RecognitionEmployee RewardsGen Z

by Luke Kreitner, on 12/11/23 7:00 AM

In the post-pandemic workforce, more teams have remote employees. However, maintaining inclusivity in rewards and recognition remains a challenge. Remote workers miss out on office perks, sometimes leading to a …

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Topics:Employee RewardsRemote Work

by Rachel Argot, on 7/28/22 1:00 PM

When planning content for the quarter, month, week, or hour, take advantage of the calendar days or seasons that affect employee engagement organically. If your brand depends on seasonal products …

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Topics:Employee RecognitionEmployee Rewards

by Rachel Argot, on 4/29/22 1:09 PM

If you have not yet read my rant regarding soft skills, aka power skills, in our latest trends piece, I recommend you do that now (before I really get mad) …

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Topics:Employee EngagementEmployee RewardsEmployee Recognition PlatformSoft Skills

by Rachel Argot, on 4/15/22 9:00 AM

In a previous blog, we discussed how the new generation of workers are responding to rewards and systems that encourage engagement. Prioritizing intrinsic over extrinsic rewards shifts engagement practices from …

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Topics:Employee EngagementEmployee RewardsMillennialsEmployee Recognition Platform

About Rewardian

We believe in a workplace where your employees aren’t simply motivated, but inspired. When attitudes are positive, a culture works––for everyone.


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