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by Rachel Reed, on 9/24/20 10:35 AM

Increased remote work across the globe makes the industry ripe for disruption. A industry built on its propensity for the disruption of the status quo, technology will no doubt lead …

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Topics:CultureEmployee ExperienceIndustryDiversity

by Rachel Reed, on 4/23/20 10:14 AM

Nearly all (96%) human resources leaders say creating a great experience for their employees is paramount, not only for retention but for their bottom line, according to a LinkedIn study …

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Topics:Employee Experience

by Rachel Reed, on 4/9/20 10:18 AM

The world is becoming increasingly dominated by social media and technology that gives instant access. The pervasive use of mobile devices has given way to a global digital transformation market, …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceWorkplace TrendsOrganizational Design

by Rachel Reed, on 3/25/20 5:03 PM

Digital employee experience (DEX) has been on the rise for some time as the percentage of remote workers has steadily increased by 44% since 2014. What is digital employee experience? …

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Topics:Employee EngagementEmployee ExperienceOrganizational Design

by Rachel Reed, on 1/9/20 10:18 AM

Historically low unemployment rates, continued advancements in workplace technology, and the rise of inclusive diversity have created the perfect storm for workplace reform. Here are six 2020 workplace trends that …

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Topics:Employee RecognitionEmployee ExperienceGen ZDiversity

by Rachel Reed, on 10/31/19 10:19 AM

Giving hard-working employees recognition at the height of end-of-year chaos could set your organization up for a highly engaged, productive, and results-driven next calendar year. You have Q4 goals to …

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Topics:Employee RecognitionEmployee ExperiencePeer Recognition

by Rachel Reed, on 9/19/19 10:21 AM

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here. It's big, it's fast, and it affects nearly every industry and job across the globe. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) is a term …

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Topics:HR TechEmployee ExperienceIntegrations

by Rachel Reed, on 4/8/19 5:06 PM

In January, we looked at five trends projected to sweep HR in 2019. Wrapping up the year’s first quarter, we look at which trends have maintained importance among top organizations …

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Topics:HR TechEmployee ExperienceRecruitment

by Rachel Reed, on 2/28/19 9:33 AM

Companies with engaged employees do more than run an employee recognition program–recognition is embedded in their culture. Simply encouraging employees, executives, and managers alike to express gratitude for jobs well …

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Topics:CultureEmployee RecognitionEmployee ExperienceEmployee Recognition Platform

by Guest, on 12/20/18 10:09 AM

The Millennial generation is very tech savvy, and most of them maintain a strong online presence and are well-networked. Similar to how you would like to interview and judge candidates, …

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Topics:Employee ExperienceRecruitment

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We believe in a workplace where your employees aren’t simply motivated, but inspired. When attitudes are positive, a culture works––for everyone.


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