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Don't forget surveys

1/19/18 9:40 AM

Should your organization participate in employee surveys?

When employees were asked about how they make suggestions to their boss, and how often, 54% of the 497 respondents reported that they make over 20 suggestions each year.  24% of respondents reported that they make between 10-20 suggestions a year, while only 7% reported they do not share ideas with their boss at all.

It has been found that employees whose ideas are implemented are most likely to receive recognition at staff meetings and/or in organization communications.

Smaller organizations (100-499 employees) were more likely (63%) than larger organizations with 25,000 or more employees (10%) to report that HR reviews submitted employee suggestions.

“Despite research that indicates workers are disengaged, on the whole they want to be helpful and have their say on issues or problems that arise in the workplace...We find again and again that employees want to contribute by making suggestions [employees] demonstrate that they’re thinking about getting the job done, and done well.”

-Monika Morrow, senior vice president of career management for Right Management

Some companies would rather a more systematic approach to surveying their employees, such as through a suggestion box, online application, or by sending suggestions by email.

Those that were surveyed said they would review the suggestions daily basis (25%), on a weekly basis (30%), and on a monthly basis (28%). However, managers are typically not the ones that are the ones reviewing what the employees are saying, it is the human resources department.

Shockingly, 27% of the respondents stated the responsibility for determining which suggestions will be followed through falls on HR, while 22% said decisions such as these are made by the manager in charge of the department or function most related to the suggestion.

What kinds of incentives do employees receive if they make suggestions that are implemented?

  • 40% receive recognition at staff/organization meetings
  • 23% receive tangible gifts such as merchandise or gift cards
  • 21% receive cash bonuses
  • 5% receive non cash bonuses such as a premium parking spot or service)
  • 5% receive additional paid time off
  • 3% receive part of the revenue received from the idea, or compensation for the costs saved from the idea
  • 3% received “other”

What kind of incentives does your organization offer employees that go above and beyond with their suggestions?



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