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Employee Engagement in Today's Workforce

Rachel Reed
6/26/16 3:10 PM

Deloitte University Press recently published its Global Human Capital Trends report and some useful insight into today's evolving workplace.

Deloitte cites employee expectations of flexibility and propensity toward career change among other factors that make up an increased need for effective employee engagement in the workplace.

One survey found that 64% of organizations measure employee engagement only once annually, typically with a company-wide survey that does not address today's "highly inclusive, empowering work environment."

The workforce has evolved exponentially in just the last decade. Employees now expect more flexibility, creativity, and purpose–cue the lobby scooters and community beer taps–from employers. Company values and practices are now transparent with social accessibility, and job openings are widely available with digital recruitment tools like Linkedin. Employees are more likely to hop between jobs and as a result, successful engagement strategy calls for swift attention and careful planning.

These new employee expectations have led employers to embrace change and adopt new methods for frequent and detailed employee listening.

Deloitte's research suggests old methods for measuring employee engagement should be expanded to include five factors which accommodate today's complex workforce:

  • meaningful work
  • hands-on management
  • positive work environment
  • opportunities for growth
  •  trust in organizational leadership

Where companies can start:

1.    Redefine engagement

2.   Drive meaning, purpose, & passion

3.   Create, measure, & monitor at organizational, team, & individual levels

4.   Tie team leaders' compensation to engagement

5.   Conduct "stay" interviews as opposed to exit interviews

6.   Employee engagement should be "always on" (not a one-time survey).


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