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Guest Post: HR Tech for Millennials

12/20/18 10:09 AM

The Millennial generation is very tech savvy, and most of them maintain a strong online presence and are well-networked. Similar to how you would like to interview and judge candidates, the candidates would also like to know what you and your company are about.

Recession in the 21st century has paved a vast increase in freelancers and contract workforces which are known as a virtual workforce. This virtual task force works from anywhere at any time but requires good services and solutions on your behalf. Make sure to have a regular check-up done on your applications to know how tech-friendly they are.

Millennials Become the New Workforce

The Millennial generation is growing up and is ready to enter the workforce. Millennials entering the job market are not looking for stability as the previous generation did but more for opportunities. So, don’t rely on habit for Millennials to stick around your company as previous generations did.

The Modern HR System

The current generation is literally raised on apps and digital technology. It is made up of telecommuters who are too lazy to log into their corporate networks with a laptop every time. They would prefer the flexibility of doing it much faster and more easily over their phones or tablets via handhelds-that too on the go.

Most companies have understood that it is much more expensive to hire a new employee than to retain an existing one.

Careers and Growth

74% of Americans stated that they were looking for new jobs and 35% begin planning their next move within weeks of starting a new job. Build your brand in a way that is attractive, engaging and retains the type of people you want. Millennials are more used to processing the world in terms of brand identity that they are accustomed with and need to be engaged accordingly. The trend amongst Millennials is that they would prefer working at places that support and encourage their growth.

With a generation that expects to have its voice heard, you need to plan and enter into a meaningful 2-way conversation with both your employees and potential employees. If they understand that you take their thoughts and ideas into consideration, they are much more likely to engage and contribute rather than looking for it elsewhere.

This Does Not Only Apply to Millennials

Millennials are more outspoken about what they want. Freedom in how we work, knowing that we are being listened to and treated as a valuable part of the company would please all of us.

Adapting your business needs to the upcoming workforce of Millennials will make your company a better working environment for your workforce as well as helping you build a business that lasts due to a reliable workforce.

How a Modern Applicant Tracking System Will Help You Reach Out to Millennials Easily

If your applicant system is over 5 years old and you are still relying on the traditional recruiting methods, then you are probably missing out on the best-skilled candidates from the social and recruiting platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook.

Gone are the days of giving job interviews and awaiting feedback. The current generation feels at ease attending job interviews over a real-time video interaction, or even sending pre-recorded videos. Having a good recruitment software is key to hiring a good workforce now. Hence it is important that your ATS be able to support mobile recruiting tools, new age analytical systems, networking tools, applicant data, referral tools and videos as well.

If you want to reach out to the Millennials, talk to them in a language they understand and with the right technology that appeals to them.

Author Bio: Kelly Barcelos is a progressive digital marketing manager for Jobsoid - Applicant Tracking System. She is responsible for leading the content and social media teams at work. Her expertise and experience in the field of HR enables her to create value-driven content for her readers - both on Jobsoid's blog and other guest blogs where she publishes content regularly. 

Jobsoid is an Online Applicant Tracking System (ATS) which simplifies every step of the recruitment process in organizations, streamlining everything from sourcing potential candidates to hiring the right one.

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