Inspiring Workplace Culture | Motivate Employees

5 steps for building an effective healthcare recognition program

Written by Luke Kreitner | 11/7/23 2:00 PM

Implementing effective recognition programs in healthcare can be challenging, but it is definitely achievable. By carefully planning, selecting the right solution, and obtaining buy-in from various departments in your organization, you can create a recognition program that fosters genuine enhancements in your workplace culture. Additionally, it can assist in attracting, retaining, and engaging employees. Here are 5 simple steps to guide you:


Step 1: Define your goals

Clearly establish what you aim to achieve through recognition. Are you focusing on improving employee retention? Promoting growth and development? Ensuring organizational alignment?

Defining your objectives will enable you to design a program that is well-aligned with your organization's needs and provide key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure its success.


Step 2: Consider your employees' needs

Identify the target audience for recognition. Are you primarily recognizing frontline workers, office staff, remote workers, or a combination of all? Do you have full-time, part-time, or temporary employees? Most likely, you have a mix of these categories. Additionally, consider the age group, whether they possess company email addresses, and their level of technological literacy.

Thoroughly understanding your employees' demographics will help you make informed decisions regarding their specific recognition needs.


Step 3: Select the appropriate recognition platform

Once you have a clear understanding of your employees' requirements, you can choose a platform that suits everyone.

An essential aspect to consider is the availability of suitable reward options. Does the platform offer a wide range of rewards that will appeal to all staff members, or is it limited in this regard? Does it provide both physical and digital delivery options?

Furthermore, consider the functionality of the system. Would you like everyone to have a budget, or solely managers and senior staff? Should non-monetary recognition options be available to increase junior employees' engagement? Flexibility in customization is typically vital for most healthcare organizations. Therefore, select a platform that provides ample options to tailor its usage according to your requirements.


Step 4: Educate your team to ensure the success of your employee recognition program. 

It's crucial to get everyone on board, especially in healthcare where staff in different departments may have limited interaction. To encourage adoption, communicate the program's benefits to employees before and after its launch. Highlight instances of public recognition to demonstrate its value in action.


Step 5: Monitor and Improve your program to measure its success. 

Track participation rates across different departments and roles to identify variations in adoption. Additionally, gather employee feedback through surveys and monitor organizational KPIs like turnover to assess the program's impact. Use this data to coach managers, inspire action, and identify areas for program enhancement. Continuous performance tracking and problem-solving will lead your company to long-term success.